Our team provides expert advice on available conflict prevention measures as well as the efficacy of such tools based on the property and specific geographic area before a conflict occurs. Community members are given site-specific recommendations for preventing human-cougar conflict in their backyard or neighborhood.
Our team provides expert advice on available conflict prevention measures as well as the efficacy of such tools, based on the property and specific geographic area after a conflict occurs. Community members are given site-specific recommendations for preventing future human-cougar conflict. Community members with financial barriers to implementing coexistence measures may be eligible for financial assistance to build or retrofit cougar-proof enclosures and responsibly dispose of depredated carcasses. Learn more about our assistance programs.
Whether you’re interested in learning more about safety at home or on the trail, our team can help provide you with information on various coexistence devices, wildlife cameras, and more.
Our team assists communities with hands-on training and technical assistance with cougar-proof enclosures. Whether you’re retrofitting an existing structure or building a brand new one for your domestic animals, our team can help guide you through the best practices for cougar-proof structures. Consult with us today.
The Pen Building Assistance program offered by the Cougar Conservancy may provide financial assistance for individuals who want to build protective pens.
When there are financial barriers for the proper disposal of depredated animals, we may assist community members with remains disposal.